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Hilton In-Room Ext. 74292 * Or call 808-234-7245

Sailing daily from the Hilton Pier

What we do


Snorkeling, sailing, dinner cruises, even private charters... this vessel has it all. At 65-feet long, it's the largest catamaran boarding near Waikiki beach.


Waikiki Beach Activities offers a range of experiences and services you can find only at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort.

Port Waikiki Cruises is a team of hospitality professionals dedicated to your safety and enjoyment. We are guided by the Creed of Aloha, from legendary Hawaii waterman Duke Paoa Kahanamoku:



"In Hawaii, we greet friends, loved ones or strangers with Aloha, which means love. Aloha is the key word to the universal spirit of real hospitality, which makes Hawaii renowned as the world's center of understanding and fellowship. Try meeting or leaving people with Aloha. You'll be surprised by their reaction. 

I believe it and it is my creed. Aloha to you."


Who we are